3 Problems You May Encounter With Missing Teeth and 3 Different Solutions

You don't have to live with missing teeth

Did you know that adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have an average of only 25.5 remaining teeth? Even more concerning, 2.2% of adults in this age group have no remaining teeth. These statistics highlight the prevalence of missing teeth among adults and their potential impact on their oral health. Failing to address missing teeth can lead to a host of problems that extend beyond mere aesthetics.

In this article, we will explore three common issues associated with missing teeth and present three solutions that can help restore your smile’s functionality and appearance.

Missing teeth? Here’s what you need to know and do.

Losing a tooth can be a distressing experience, but understanding the implications and taking appropriate action is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or multiple teeth, it’s essential to be informed about the potential consequences and the available solutions.

The Problems With Missing Teeth 

Missing teeth can bring more than just aesthetic concerns; they can also lead to various oral health problems. Ignoring the gaps in your smile can have serious consequences, such as an increased risk of infection, jawbone deterioration, and tooth shifting.

1. Increased Risk of Infection

When a tooth is missing, it leaves a gap in your gumline. This opening becomes an entry point for bacteria, food particles, and plaque accumulation, increasing the risk of gum disease and infections. Bacteria can cause inflammation and damage to the surrounding gum tissue, potentially leading to gum recession, bad breath, and even tooth loss if left untreated.

2. Jawbone Deterioration

Your natural teeth play a vital role in maintaining the health and density of your jawbone. The tooth root stimulates the jawbone, promoting its strength and durability. However, when a tooth is missing, the jawbone in that area no longer receives the necessary stimulation, causing it to shrink over time. If only a few teeth are missing, the changes may not be immediately noticeable. However, when many teeth are missing, the jawbone can weaken, leading to a sunken facial appearance and potential difficulties supporting dental implants or dentures.

3. Shifting Teeth 

Teeth work together to maintain proper alignment and stability within the dental arch. When a tooth is lost, the neighboring teeth may shift gradually. The surrounding teeth, both adjacent and opposing the gap, can move toward the space left by the missing tooth. This can disrupt the overall alignment of your teeth, causing overcrowding, bite problems, and potential jaw joint complications. Tooth shifting affects your smile’s aesthetics and makes it challenging to maintain proper oral hygiene, leading to further oral health issues.

Solutions for Missing Teeth 

If you’re dealing with missing teeth, don’t fret! Practical solutions are available to restore your smile and regain desired functionality. Full or partial dentures, fixed bridges, and dental implants are three popular options that can help address the gaps in your teeth. Each solution offers unique benefits and considerations, catering to different needs and preferences.

1. Full or Partial Dentures

Dentures are custom-made removable dental appliances designed to replace multiple missing teeth. When all teeth are missing in either the upper or lower jaw, full dentures are used to restore the entire arch. On the other hand, when some natural teeth remain, partial dentures are utilized. These partial dentures are anchored to the existing teeth for stability and functionality.

Dentures are crafted specifically to fit your mouth, providing a natural appearance and the ability to chew and speak properly. Depending on your individual needs and preferences, they can be made from different materials, such as acrylic, metal, or a combination of both. It’s important to note that dentures typically have a lifespan of around five to ten years. 

Over time, the shape of your jawbone may change, which can affect the fit and comfort of the dentures. Regular dental check-ups are essential to assess the condition of your dentures and make any necessary adjustments or replacements.

2. Fixed Bridges 

A fixed bridge is a dental prosthetic designed to bridge the gap created by missing teeth. It consists of artificial teeth, known as pontics, which are securely anchored to the neighboring teeth. The adjacent healthy teeth on either side of the gap are prepared and crowned to support the bridge.

Unlike dentures, fixed bridges are a non-removable option for replacing missing teeth. They offer stability and a natural-looking solution that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth. Fixed bridges restore the ability to bite and chew properly by filling in the space left by missing teeth, allowing you to enjoy a more comfortable eating experience. Additionally, they help prevent the remaining natural teeth from shifting and becoming misaligned.

Proper oral hygiene is crucial to ensuring a fixed bridge’s long-term success. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups are essential for maintaining the health of the supporting teeth and the bridge itself.

3. Dental Implants and Implant-Supported Dentures 

Dental implants offer a permanent and highly effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They have a 90 to 95% success rate. This procedure involves the surgical placement of artificial tooth roots, typically made of biocompatible materials, like titanium, directly into the jawbone. Over time, the implant integrates with the surrounding bone through osseointegration, creating a strong and stable foundation.

Once the dental implant has fully fused with the jawbone, a replacement tooth or multiple teeth can be securely attached to the implant. This restoration closely mimics the look, feel, and function of natural teeth, providing a long-term solution for tooth loss. 

Implant-supported dentures are a popular option, utilizing multiple dental implants to anchor and stabilize the denture. Compared to traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures offer increased stability, allowing for improved chewing efficiency and a more natural smile.

Dental implants can be utilized for both partial and full arch restorations, depending on the extent of tooth loss. They provide a reliable and durable alternative to removable dentures or bridges. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental check-ups, can ensure dental implants’ long-term success and longevity.

Transforming Smiles With Solutions for Missing Teeth

If you are dealing with missing teeth, effective solutions are available to restore your smile and oral health. Whether you opt for full or partial dentures, fixed bridges, or dental implants, each solution offers unique advantages in addressing your missing teeth.
When you request an appointment with your dental office in Omaha, we will provide expert guidance and personalized treatment plans, ensuring you receive the highest quality care. Don’t let missing teeth impact your confidence or oral health—take the first step toward a complete smile by contacting The Tooth Doc today.