Personalized Transformations: Choosing Between a Smile Makeover and a Facelift

Smile makeover vs. facelift

Today, cosmetic procedures are commonplace. People choose these treatments for a range of reasons, such as to deal with signs of aging or get a little extra boost to their aesthetics. 

Two of the most popular options are facelifts and smile makeovers. While both options can provide excellent results, it’s important that you have the details you need to make an informed decision.

Understanding Smile Makeovers and Facelifts

So what exactly are these two procedures? Here’s what you need to know about the basic details of how smile makeover and facelift treatments are handled.

What’s a smile makeover?

A smile makeover isn’t just one single treatment. Instead, it’s a holistic approach to cosmetic dentistry that seeks to tackle the aesthetics, function, and health of your smile. It can include a variety of procedures, from in-office teeth whitening in Omaha to more serious restorative work.

The versatility of a smile makeover means that your treatment plan will be highly unique. You could take advantage of options, such as veneers or tooth whitening, gum contouring, tooth alignment, and more.

What’s a facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure intended to rejuvenate the face by addressing sagging skin and tissue. This invasive treatment targets the lower face and neck area, removing excess skin to create a smoother, tighter look. This option can address sagging skin and wrinkles, along with creating a more defined jaw.

How these treatments can help you.

Why exactly do people choose facelifts and smile makeovers? Each provides unique solutions to specific concerns that help people work toward their unique goals.

Why do people choose smile makeovers?

A smile makeover can deliver a balanced, aesthetically pleasing smile. People choose smile makeovers to address a wide range of dental issues. The unique combination of procedures can resolve just about any fault to deliver a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

Discoloration is one of the most common issues. There are also all kinds of alignment problems, such as gaps and crowding, that smile makeovers can resolve. Chips and cracks, misshapen teeth, and wear are all reasons to consider making over your smile.

Why do people choose facelifts?

As people age, some of the most prominently visible signs occur in the face. Facial skin can begin to sag noticeably, creating wrinkles and affecting the overall contour of the face.

People choose facelifts to reverse these signs of aging. They can create a more youthful facial contour, addressing the problem areas that most affect the way their face looks.

How to choose between these two treatments.

If you’re wanting to boost your appearance, how can you choose between these two options? Take these factors into account when you’re considering your path forward.

Your Individual Goals and Preferences

As an individual, your goals and preferences should play a key role in your decision. While many people could benefit from either option, these two treatments cover different areas. If you have specific concerns, one option or the other is likely to be most appropriate.

Improving your smile can be an excellent way to gain a more youthful and confident appearance. While a facelift can often have a more drastic impact, you can’t overlook how important a bright, beautiful smile can be.

Your Age and Stage of Life

A facelift is generally associated with age, as the skin typically only begins to sag noticeably later in life. While this varies by person, you may simply be too young for a facelift to deliver results.

Dental concerns can affect people of any age, although they do become more common as you get older. You may have natural imperfections in your smile or have suffered from tooth decay or physical damage, regardless of your age.

Finding out which option is right for you.

Of course, it takes more than this brief guide to make the right decision. Both facelifts and smile makeovers require professional consultations before moving forward. You’ll need to talk with the appropriate medical professional—either a cosmetic dentist or a qualified facial plastic surgeon, depending on the specific option—to learn more.

Talking to a professional will identify whether either treatment is right for you. While both options can deliver excellent results, they aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions. Your treatment plan will require careful insight, and it may turn out that your specific goals aren’t something that these treatments can deliver.

Making the Right Choice to Boost Your Appearance

Both facelifts and smile makeovers can be excellent ways to improve your appearance. However, a smile makeover from your dentist in West Omaha can be a more affordable and less invasive process that delivers not just stunning results but lasting oral health benefits as well.

If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry treatment to improve your smile, you can visit The Tooth Doc to find a custom treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We can discuss your goals and the procedures that can get you there. Schedule your consultation today to get started.