Professional At-home Teeth Whitening Might Be for You: Here’s How to Tell

At-home teeth whitening

As we age, our teeth inevitably start to lose their natural whiteness. Consumption of certain foods and beverages, such as dark berries, red wine, caramel-colored sodas, and tobacco usage can stain the enamel. And as we age, the enamel on our teeth wears away, exposing the yellow dentin underneath. Various medications and health conditions can also make our teeth lose their bright white color. And as that yellowing begins to happen, it is natural that we want that discoloration to go away. Thankfully, your dentist has cosmetic dentistry solutions to help whiten your teeth.

Why might you need at-home teeth whitening?

As we mentioned, some of our chosen behaviors can lead to tooth discoloration. The most common reasons that we see extrinsic tooth staining (staining on the surface of the tooth) are due to the following:

  • Red wine.
  • Coffee.
  • Tea.
  • Carrots.
  • Curry.
  • Dark berries.
  • Tobacco usage.

But there are other situations where you can experience intrinsic staining (staining within your tooth).

  • Dental trauma.
  • Too much fluoride as a child (dentists today can better control that amount of fluoride on your teeth).
  • Certain antibiotics, such as Tetracycline. 
  • Various medical conditions, such as metabolic diseases, calcium deficiency, liver disease, rickets, eating disorders, and celiac disease.
  • Genetics or family history. 

Professional tooth whitening, whether done at your dentist’s office or through a dentist-prescribed, at-home teeth whitening routine, can improve discoloration related to extrinsic stains.

What is at-home teeth whitening?

At-home teeth whitening, as it sounds, is a procedure patients can do in their homes to achieve whiter teeth. But in this case, we’re not talking about the at-home treatments you can purchase at your local convenience store. Professional teeth-whitening kits are far more effective than what you can buy over the counter.

When you receive a professional at-home teeth whitening kit, the prescription-strength whitening gel that you receive is able to reach beyond surface-level stains to give you more profound, brighter results. The key here is that those whitening kits you purchase at the store are one-size-fits-all. The scientists who created those formulations did not have your particular situation or needs in mind. But when your dentist at The Tooth Doc prescribes your Opalescence home-whitening kit, you can rest assured that your formulation will be custom-made.

The Opalescence system uses active ingredients in a unique whitening gel that passes into your teeth to oxidize discolored molecules that live deep down in your enamel. The gel effectively removes stains and whitens your smile. The gel is sticky and viscous, too, so you don’t have to worry about it getting all over the inside of your mouth—it stays where it is supposed to for the most effective whitening process possible. 

With your at-home teeth whitening kit from The Tooth Doc, you’ll also benefit from professional guidance on tooth whitening, which means you don’t need to go it alone. Further, the Opalescence system is both prescription strength and safe and effective. And many of our patients can experience up to eight shades of whiter teeth in just a few days.

Am I a candidate for at-home teeth whitening?

The next question you will likely ask yourself will be, is tooth whitening for me? And the natural question after that is wondering if you are a candidate for The Tooth Doc’s at-home teeth whitening kit. And all you need to get started is to meet the following criteria:

  • Be age 18 or older.
  • Have any cavities or gum disease addressed before you start the whitening process.
  • Be dedicated to the process so that you can see results in just a week.
  • Feel self-conscious about your smile and desire an improvement.

If you have tried DIY tooth whitening store brands in the past and have been dissatisfied, then Opalescence is the right system for you. As long as you follow the directions provided by the team at The Tooth Doc, you can anticipate a brighter and whiter smile in just a few days.

The Tooth Doc is your cosmetic dentistry partner in Omaha, NE.

If you are one of the 80% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 49 who want whiter teeth and are ready to try a cosmetic dentistry treatment for a brighter and whiter smile, you have come to the right place. To get started, request a consultation with The Tooth Doc. We’ll be sure to answer any questions and walk you through your options for a whiter smile. We look forward to helping you be proud of your smile again.