Restorative Dentistry

Tooth loss health connection

3 Health Conditions That Are Actually Connected to Tooth Loss

The Tooth Loss Health Connection According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, an estimated “2.2% of adults between the ages of 20 to 64 years have no remaining teeth.” With a U.S. adult population of over 209 million, that means almost 4.6 million adults have no teeth. And that’s not a statistic…
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How can restorative dentistry help you

How Restorative Dentistry Can Boost Your Confidence and Give You a New Life

Regain the Health and Look of Your Smile Restorative dentistry covers a wide range of treatment options that restore teeth after they’ve been affected by damage, decay, or disease. These treatments focus on restoring both function and appearance, along with ensuring long-term oral health. There’s a significant overlap between many restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatments,…
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Know the signs of TMJ disorder

2 Classic and 2 Not-So-Classic Signs of TMJ Disorder and What to Do

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are a relatively common issue that can cause acute and chronic pain. Many people aren’t fully aware of TMJ disorders and the signs that can point to this issue.  Watch out for a few of these better-known signs, along with others that you typically might not associate with TMJ disorders. If…
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How does a dentist treat a cavity

Fillings vs. Inlays and Onlays: A Thorough Comparison

Solutions for Repairing Decayed Teeth One thing no one wants to hear from their dentist is, “You’ve got a cavity.” But the good news is finding out you have a cavity is the necessary first step before taking action to repair the damage and prevent future decay from occurring. After you and your dentist have…
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Replace lost teeth with dental implants

The New Way to Replace Teeth: Dental Implants

Though they have gained popularity in recent years, dental implants have been around longer than you might realize. Back in 1952, an orthopedic surgeon tried fusing a titanium cylinder with the femur bone of a rabbit as part of a study on bone healing and regeneration. He believed that this type of fusion could be…
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Implant-supported dentures can give you back your confidence

Get Back the Confidence You Had Before You Lost Your Teeth

Losing your teeth can be a life-changing experience, and not in a good way. Missing teeth can affect the aesthetics of your face, not to mention your smile. It can also make it difficult for you to chew, and even to speak properly.  But perhaps worst of all, losing your teeth can have dire consequences…
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Sleep apnea is more than a bad night

The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea

A good night’s rest? Not with sleep apnea. At a certain time of night, many of us go to bed to get some sleep without a second thought, but in reality, some of us stop breathing in our sleep up to hundreds of times per night and have no clue. How does this happen, and…
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Oral appliance and how it can help

Treat Your Airway Obstructions With Oral Appliance Therapy

What are the benefits of oral appliance therapy in sleep apnea treatment? How do you sleep at night? Are you among the lucky few who can fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow? Or does it take a couple of duvet tosses and pillow punches to get you in the “right” position?…
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Dental implants come with benefits

8 Long-Term Benefits of Dental Implants

Your Future Smile With Dental Implants A dental implant makeover has an incredibly transformative impact on how a person feels about their smile as well as their physical and oral health. Many advantages of dental implant surgery are obvious immediately, but there are just as many long-term benefits that make these prosthetic tooth restorations absolutely…
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Dental crown FAQ

All About Crowns: Dental Crown Facts and FAQs

Answers to Your Most Common Dental Crown Questions Dental crowns are versatile, popular procedures that can save teeth from needing to be pulled. If you’ve never had a dental crown before and you’re not sure what to expect, here’s everything you need to know! 1. Who is a good candidate for dental crowns? You’re likely…
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