5 Things You Need To Know About Dental Emergencies Before They Happen

Be prepared for dental emergencies

Are you prepared in the event of a dental emergency?

Accidents happen. And sometimes, dental emergencies can also occur. The most common dental emergencies are:

  • A tooth fracture.
  • A knocked-out tooth.
  • A dental abscess.
  • A filling that has fallen out.
  • A mouth tissue laceration from some form of facial trauma.

And though accidents are what they are, incidents you can’t predict, there are some things you should know before a dental emergency happens.

What to do if you have a dental emergency? 

Though you can only prepare for some things that come your way, knowledge can be power. The more you know, the more likely you’ll be able to manage an urgent or dangerous situation correctly. And the same holds with dental emergencies. Read on for some vital information to file away in the back of your brain, in case you need it someday.

1. Know the difference between a dental emergency and a non-emergency.

It can be painful to have a toothache, but it is not always a dental emergency. You can treat many toothaches with at-home remedies until you can visit the dentist. However, some situations are considered dental emergencies, so knowing the difference is critical.

Ask yourself these questions to help you determine if your situation is indeed an emergency.

  • Is there extreme pain?
  • Has a tooth been knocked-out, or lost in some way?
  • Are there loose permanent teeth?
  • Do you believe there is an infection?
  • Is there bleeding from the mouth?

If the answer to one or more of these questions is yes, you should be heading to see a same-day emergency dentist in Omaha, NE. If you know you have a tooth abscess, which is causing a lot of pain, you need to be seen immediately, especially if it’s combined with symptoms such as fever or swelling. But the general rule is to call your dentist if in doubt. 

2. What to do if your tooth falls out?

If your child’s baby tooth falls out, this is not cause for alarm. Losing a baby tooth is cause for a celebration, provided you are prepared for the tooth fairy to visit that evening. But if you or your child loses a permanent tooth, that is an entirely different situation. Here is what you should do if a permanent tooth falls out.

  • Don’t touch the tooth root—hold it by the exposed part of the enamel. 
  • Rinse off any visible dirt or blood using cool water—do not use any soaps or cleaners.
  • Make an effort to place the tooth back into the socket. If you are unsuccessful, place the tooth in a cup of milk for safe-keeping while you make efforts to get to a dentist.

3. Contact your dentist for a same-day appointment.

If you are dealing with a tooth that has come out unexpectedly, a mouth tissue laceration, a dental abscess, or a toothache that is not going away, call your dentist and request a same-day appointment. Most dental offices provide same-day services for dental emergencies. If your dental office is closed or it is after hours, head to your nearest emergency room so they can contact an on-call dentist. Serious dental emergencies should not wait until the next day. 

4. Have a dental toolkit on hand at home.

So, you’re probably wondering what a dental toolkit is, envisioning a black leather doctor’s bag as seen on television. And though it doesn’t matter what type of container you store your dental toolkit items in, it is wise for any family, especially one with young children, to have these items all in one easy-to-access location.

The recommended items for your household dental toolkit include:

  • Clove oil for tooth pain 
  • Disposable gloves
  • Gauze
  • Tea bags—peppermint and black tea
  • Cotton balls 
  • Floss 
  • A new soft-bristled toothbrush

5. How to handle excessive bleeding of the mouth.

It can be scary if you or your loved one is bleeding from the mouth. And you should know that if a dental injury causes excessive bleeding, we should consider it a dental emergency. However, while you or someone else in the family is contacting the dentist for a same-day appointment, press firmly on the area with the gauze from your household dental emergency toolkit. If you don’t have gauze on hand, or it is not effective, try a moistened black tea bag as it can help with clotting.

Know how to contact your emergency dental office in Omaha. 

The team at The Tooth Doc recommends that you always know how to reach your emergency dental office in Omaha. Save our phone number in your mobile phone contacts so you can reach us easily, whether at home or away. If you have a dental emergency, call our office versus requesting an appointment via our contact form. Dental emergencies require immediate same-day care.

If you have further questions about dental emergencies, or are due for your professional dental cleaning, request an appointment today.